My inspiration to sing comes from my mom, who is a great singer herself. She nurtured my budding voice by enrolling me in Hindustani Classical vocal training lessons when I was just 5! I acquired my post graduate degree from NID, Ahmedabad but I decided to quit my job in Plush Design and started the journey by making music videos. Since then, I’ve branched out into Western Classical music by singing in bands, contests, teaching and conducting workshops. I even dabbled in music production since vocals were my forté. I just know one thing now….A long hard road awaits, and I am ready!!
I believe that just following your passion will begin to change you as a person and the way you look at life. In this process, I learnt a lot fo lessons. I learnt that your passion needs tremendous courage and will power. When you watch your dreams of following your dreams finally meet the reality of it, you realise that it is not all rainbows and unicorns. You need to take a few risks and plan prudently because initially it does not suffice even for basic sustenance. At the end of the day, it is just about showing up with your game face each and every day no matter how many times you fall..because only then will you experience the beautiful transition of pain changing to beauty.
Somewhere along the way, I learnt that as a musician and a human being, you need to multitask to a great extent. That’s when I realised the value of Time Management. With two jobs and a whole lot of responsibilities, time management became a necessity. Weekly goals, finding time to rest amidst all the craziness and practicing my craft all became that much easier, the more I prioritised and made a schedule. All in all, I realised that even the tiniest window of time can be used productively to hone your craft. We can find the right balance between work and fun if we just organise. Work hard, play hard!
Tan Daze, Vocalist